Wednesday, June 1, 2011


A good article found on

"How does blood sugar tie in to cancer?
You eat something and it turns to blood glucose (sugar). Insulin carries the glucose from your blood into your tissue where it fuels your body. If you become insulin resistant, which can happen with diabetes, if you are overweight, or eat a lot of refined sugar and refined carbs, the glucose stays in the blood. Avoid refined carbs and refined sugar and you up your chance of beating breast and colon cancers, in particular, according to Keith Block, MD, who treats cancer patients and wrote a book called Life Over Cancer.
Among dozens of studies Dr. Block cites to plug for a low-sugar, low-refined carb diet are one where breast cancers survivors in remission with the lowest insulin levels were half as likely to have recurrence and one third as likely to develop metastases as women with higher levels (higher levels are prompted by high blood glucose). Cancer cells in general consume more glucose than healthy cells, and studies suggest controlling blood sugar and consequently controlling glucose can affect outcomes. [Journal of Bioenergetics & & Biomembranes 1997; 29 (4)].
Block and oncologists who plug the power of diet make these recommendations:
 Chose a whole food diet.
Eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and other green leafy vegetables.
Replace refined carbs like white potatoes with sweet potatoes and trade white bread for whole grain bread.
Other good alternative carbs are brown rice, buckwheat, wild rice, whole wheat pasta, and barley.
Avoid high-fructose corn syrup; it’s a natural sweetener in foods like cereal bars, spaghetti sauces, yogurts, and could be in about anything that would have sugar.
Avoid fat-free and low-fat foods; the fat is often replaced with sugar.
Adding herbs to the mix
If you’re interested in herbs, the American Association of Integrative Medicine recommends these products, all found in studies to lower blood glucose. 


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